veiling and multiculturalism

Thesis:It will be contended that identity as displayed through veiling is a personal choice; however, this controversial practice is diverse and contested, and is central to Islamic identity. Rejection of this personal choice is a rejection of multiculturalism.

All references to be taken from these sources. In text references also required.

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Guitta, Olivier (Dec 04, 2006) Islamism and Liberalism face off. Online:

Janmohamed, S. Z. Calling all feminists: Get over the veil debate, focus on the real problems. Can be found online at:

Werbner, P, 2012, Multiculturalism from above and below: Analysing a Political Discourse. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 2012, Vol.33 (2), p.197-209. Taylor and Francis Group. Identifier: ISSN:0725-6868;E-ISSN:1469-9540; DOI:1080/07256868.2012.649527

Martino, W, & Rezai-Rashti, G 2008, ‘The politics of veiling, gender and the Muslim subject: on the limits and possibilities of anti-racist education in the aftermath of September 11’, Discourse: Studies In The Cultural Politics Of Education, 29, 3, pp. 417-431, Education Research Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 11 April 2016.

Meer, N, & Modood, T 2009, ‘The Multicultural State We’re In: Muslims, ‘Multiculture’ and the ‘Civic Re-balancing’ of British Multiculturalism’, Political Studies, 57, 3, pp. 473-497

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