To what extent do you agree that entertainment media have had a positive effect on society

I need for this essay my thesis to be against the positive effect as the entertainment media have had negative effect for example the obesity and violence and how it is effects young people.
The structure of the essay should be counter argument as we need to show both sides
Of course you already know each paragraph should include topic sentence.
I prefer first paragraph to support my thesis with evidence and the second one the counter argument which the other side who they are claims it have had positive then with my refutation with evidence against them or the argument point by point and I am pretty sure you know better than me and you know exactly what I mean.
Please again which is really vital all the sources should be academic journal or online books and it must be recent please not older than 2011.
Also please note, either you send me the papers of the sources or the links so I can access them and read them please really really important.
Nevertheless, just a reminder again I am not native english speaker so please very simple language not complex at all.
Please all the sources matching the texts I am return customer and as my current report I can tell you are reliable writer as I have checked some sources and they were matching but still have not checking all of them yet.

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