The 1951 Refugee Convention

The purpose of this is to assess the interaction of international organisations and international law in the chosen case, to identify the interests and issues at stake, and assess effectiveness of the approaches used by states and organisations to deal with the issue or crisis at hand.


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You are an analyst working in an international NGO that conducts independent research into issues of international law. You have been asked to prepare an analysis on one of the specific cases below. This will take the form of a report that is targeted at policy-makers, practitioners working in the field, and academics who are interested in the case at hand.
There are a number of things your analysis must contain:

1. Your report must outline the context in which you’re considering the issue, including the relevant international legal
and normative frameworks, relevant historical context, and the international political context.
2. It must consider the major actors and interests involved in the issue. This involves identifying key states and their roles in relevant international processes, as well as exploring the role international organisations, both inter-governmental
and non-governmental, play in relation to the issue at hand.
3. You must provide an analysis of what the current ‘state of affairs’ is in relation to the aspect of international law that you’re considering. What are the important things the reader must know about what is currently going on in relation to your specific topic? What are the major challenges and critiques facing the legal frameworks / organisations / institutional bodies at hand in terms of the development or implementation of the law at hand? How effectively are they achieving the ends they were designed to achieve? And to what extent are states supporting the development of international law and international organisations in this arena?
4. You must discuss the prospects for the future in relation to the case at hand. This involves providing recommendations about how the key actors can address the challenges and obstacles you’ve identified. You should outline the goals you recommend they work towards, in the context of your earlier analysis…………..

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