Reflective report For hospitality co-op study

Applies classroom theory and learning to practical management in a hospitality operation, to utilise research skills for a real and current management issue in a hospitality operation and to enable a student to experience personal growth through setting goals, establishing schedules and accepting responsibility to an employer and to self for assignment or project completion

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this paper, successful students should be able to:

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  1. Contextualise the placement organisation within the relevant professional environment


  1. Critically reflect upon personal and professional development during the placement experience


  1. Critically evaluate the connection between the placement project, professional publications and academic literature


  1. Demonstrate appropriate academic (Level 7) oral and written communication skills relevant to a professional environment




Paper Requirements

To successfully complete this paper, the following conditions must be met:

  • Obtain a final minimum mark of 50% overall in the paper;
  • Submit all assessments. If any assessment is not handed in, a DNC grade will be awarded for the paper. NOTE: As per the General Academic Regulations of AUT University, if you do not submit a completed compulsory component, you may be withdrawn from the paper.


There are no required texts


Recommended readings


Bassham, G. (2005). Critical thinking: A student’s introduction. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.

Emerson, L (ed.) (2000). Writing guidelines for business students (2nd ed.). Palmerston North, New Zealand: Dunmore.

Enz, C. (2010). Hospitality strategic management concepts and cases. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Facione, P. A. & Gittens, C. A. (2013). Think critically. Boston, MA: Pearson.

Millar, S., & Theunissen, C. (2008). Managing organisations in New Zealand.  Auckland, New Zealand: Pearson.

Shelley, P.B. (2010). The art of reflection. In S. Cottrell, Skills for success: The personal development handbook (2nd ed.), (pp.188-204). Bassingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan

Supplementary reading

Resources for this paper include refereed academic articles available through AUT library. The following eight journals could be of assistance to your project.However, please extend your learning by searching for other academic journals in relation to your topic.


  • Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
  • International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
  • International Journal of Hospitality Management
  • Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
  • The Australian Journal of Hospitality Management
  • Event Management
  • Tourism and Hospitality Research
  • Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education

Assessment grid

# Assessment type Due date Weighting Learning outcomes
1 Project Proposal Thursday 10 March, 12noon (Electronic submission)
(Hardcopy: confirm date and time with supervisor)
2 Annotated Bibliography Wednesday 30 March, 12noon (Electronic submission)
(Hardcopy: confirm date and time with supervisor)
20% 1, 2, 3, 4
3 Reflective Report Tuesday 24 May, 12noon (Electronic submission)
(Hardcopy: confirm date and time with supervisor)
30% 2, 4
4 Project Report Draft emailed by Tuesday 10 May, 12noon

Tuesday 31 May, 12noon (Electronic submission)

(Hardcopy: confirm date and time with supervisor)

30% 3, 4
5 Oral presentation &
Poster Showcase
Tuesday 21 June, 12noon (Electronic submission)

Week 15 – see Exam Timetable

20% 2, 3, 4

Student Responsibilities:

Class times and places

These are shown on your personal timetable which is available from the ARION website.

Blackboard (previously referred to as AUTonline)

Resources are posted online and it is your responsibility to download the appropriate course material and bring this to class. It is highly recommended that you prepare for each class and tutorial by reading the material prior to class. There is learning material available on Blackboard so please use this to enhance your study and assignments:


Submitting your assignment

Follow the instructions on the assessment details carefully, including information on

Due date and time;

Submission instructions; and

Turnitin requirements


It is the student’s responsibility to know what method is required for this paper, detailed in the assessment instructions. No responsibility will be taken by the lecturer or the School of Hospitality and Tourism for assignments left under office doors or handed into administration offices.

Where to hand in the assignment will be specified under submission instructions.

Unless instructed otherwise by your lecturer, all written assignments are to be submitted to Turnitin. If an assignment is not submitted to Turnitin, it will not be marked and you will receive a DNC (Did Not Complete). Turnitin is software that determines if the work is your own and not someone else’s work. Therefore, you are required to submit an electronic version of your assignment through the link on Blackboard. Instructions for using Turnitin will be provided in class. The submission title for Turnitin must be your STUDENT ID number. You will receive a confirmation of your submission to your email address.


In-course grades will be posted on Arion. Note that grades posted on Arion are provisional only until after Exam Board at the end of each semester. Final results will be sent through Arion Correspondence.

Cooperative learning:

Cooperative Education mentors and locations are subject to the Paper Coordinators approval. Because Cooperative Education is an active learning programme and not necessarily a work placement, students who undertake paid work during their Cooperative Education semester should ensure this does not compromise their ability to meet the requirements of the Cooperative Education programme. Close working contact with the industry mentor is paramount to ensure the topic under investigation remains within the agreed parameters. Weekly meetings are recommended.


Please note:  By embarking on this challenging subject it is critical that you concentrate on the required and expected learning processes throughout the timeframe in order to successfully achieve your set objectives.

Academic supervisors

An academic supervisor will be allocated on the basis of your major, project and placement details. The nature of the project, tasks and work that you engage in during your Cooperative Education will vary from place to place, role to role and student by student. Therefore you are expected to meet with your supervisor weekly to discuss your progress. It is vital that you document all the workplace activities that you undertake and have an ongoing discussion with both your industry mentor about the tasks that you are doing and with your academic supervisor about how to set out your reports.


Please note:Academic Supervisors are not required to provide feedback on any written work outside of the designated draft opportunities and during the weekly scheduled group sessions. You need to talk with your academic supervisor to find out what is expected at your weekly supervision meetings. It is recommended that you find a suitable proof-reader prior to handing in work to be marked.

Information and Data to support your Cooperative Education:

The parameters for data collection during cooperative education (co-op) are subject to the data that the industry employers are open to sharing for use by the student during their co-op project. This may include reports, training materials, menus, existing surveys or other documents and information.  Industry may ask a student to participate in a research project that currently exists or is organised, developed and run by industry. If students are asked to work with company data or redevelop company resources, the students will not be assessed on the company data or resources, the students will be assessed on their report focused on the experience of working on these tasks.

Under no circumstance may students conduct primary research collecting data. If you think your project may have an aspect of primary data to it (eg questionnaires, survey, interviews), you must discuss this with your academic supervisor and written consent would be required from the Cooperative Education Leader – Hospitality – Yvonne Wood. The activities that are exempt from needing ethics (AUTEC) approval are shown in Table 2, however you are still expected to discuss all aspects of your project with your academic supervisor. If this process is not followed, and primary data is detected in your project a Zero / DNC for that component will be given.

Table 1. Exceptions to activities requiring AUTEC approval

6.1. Evaluations or surveys conducted within the University for the specific purpose of reviewing and improving education practices and University processes, (e.g. teacher, module or programme evaluations. Where they are reported or published as academic research, this exception does not apply.

6.2. Research and teaching involving existing publicly available documents or data (for example analysis of archival records which are publicly available).

6.3. Preliminary interaction or discussion where the exact research aims have not yet been formulated. This does not include pilot studies.  Action research is in a special category.

6.4. Research and teaching in which a single investigator is the subject of his/her own research and where no physically or psychologically hazardous procedure is involved.

6.5. A one-off interview where the object is to seek non-sensitive factual information and no opinions are sought.

6.6. A one-off interview of limited scope and depth with professional persons, authorities or public figures, (for example. politicians, scholars, prominent authors) in the area of their expertise.  Such an interview must not comprise a major study.

6.7. Where a professional or expert opinion is sought, except where this is part of a study of the profession or area of expertise.

6.8. Observational studies in public places in which the identity of the participants remains anonymous (i.e. where the data by its nature cannot be used to identify individuals) and compilation of the data does not involve any harmful or objectionable activity.

Researchers who are uncertain whether their proposal fits into one of the exemption categories should contact the AUTEC Secretariat or their AUTEC Faculty Representative for advice.

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