Practicum-Teaching Session


Nosocomial infections have become as a serious problem in the health care system today. This session will show the extent of the problem of healthcare associated infections in health care facilities and the strategies to prevent this infection, which would reduce the number of people affected as well as the mortality rate from these infections. If we look at the subject from another angle, this type of infection is possible to control it and reduce it because it’s preventable infection.

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On completion of the session, the learner should become in a high degree of sense of responsibility as an important part of health care providers. As well as getting a sufficient level of knowledge and they should have the sufficient capacity and the necessary awareness to enhance the patient quality of life by assimilation and understanding the nursing role to prevent the nosocomial infections.

This planning for teaching refers to the table 5.1 in chapter 5 of (Quinn & Hughes, 2007. P. 183) 5th Ed

  1. Nature of the teaching encounter.
  2. Type of learner:

Registered nurses (Master Students)


The teaching session is about prevention of nosocomial infections in health care facilities.

  1. Group:

The teaching session will be conducted on a small-group of learners.



  1. Details of program.
  2. Title:

Prevention of nosocomial infections in health care facilities.

  1. Level / year of learner:

Nurses experts in postgraduate level

  1. Time:

Learners’ participation for 30 minutes from 15:15 – 15:45 on Thursday, 12th May 2016

  1. Course objectives and learning outcomes:

At the end of this teaching session, the learners’ should have a high level of the ability to:

  • Understanding the overview of nosocomial infection.
  • Knowing the extent of the problem of healthcare associated infections in
  • Hospitals and risk factors for infections in hospital.
  • Apply nursing role to reduce avoidable nosocomial infections by improve hand hygiene compliance.
  1. Indicative content:

In the initial part of this session I will let the learners to present their previous information and knowledge by applying the direct question (What is Nosocomial infection?), which will give me as a teacher a quick evaluation of attendance learner’s knowledge. Then explain the nosocomial infection in general (include the most common pathogens that cause nosocomial and the most common type of nosocomial infection) and give them some statistics to get their attention and to support my words. And I will talk about nosocomial infections that it becomes as a serious problem in the health care system today.

The content will include risk factors for infections in healthcare facilities. Thereafter, I will talk about their strategies to reduce nosocomial infections and our roles as health care professional to prevent the nosocomial infection occurring. Additionally, I will give them a handout of WHO, and CDC guidelines to ensure that all students share the same basic background on this part of lecture and it will help me to save time, containing content which I don’t have enough time to present, moreover, the students don’t have time to write down everything in their notes for that they can read these guidelines after the session and it will help them to remember this information later on. Moreover, I will mention about strategies to improve hand hygiene compliance.

At the end of teaching session a case study through the digital video will be provided ( ) two minutes, that will help to engage students to discuss the issue, In line with this, that will enhanced team working and communication skills with each other. With this kind of activity I can conduct discussions and can share the previous experiments in my classroom. Finally, I will give the students questions and we will answer it together with the students then I attached my Email address ( to ask me any question and send the feedback.

  1. Assessment methods:
  • Testing the learners’ information before beginning the session by asking direct question what is “the nosocomial infection?” to assess the level of awareness’ in the participants about the nosocomial infection in general’.
  • Workshop: through a case study of digital video that will help to evaluate the students’ understanding and ensure the student outcomes and the objectives achieved, for that this activity will held on the last part of the session.
  • I will give paper questions to the student then we will answer the questions together. This activity could help me to know if the students understood the content of my lecture or not?


  1. Details of learners.
  2. Number of participants:

Seven participants in the class room in this teaching session.

  1. Time:

It will held on Part-time for “30 minutes “from 15:15 – 15:45 on Thursday, 12 May 2016

  1. Relevant prior knowledge and experience:

The participants have basic knowledge about nosocomial infections.

  1. Organizational factors.
  2. Length of teaching session: It will be within 30 minutes.
Content Time
Welcome and Overview on Nosocomial infection 15:15 – 15:20
Risk factors for infections in health care facilities


15:21 – 15:25
Strategies to Reduce Nosocomial Infections 15:26 – 15:35
Workshop: case study  (two minutes video and discussion two minutes) 15:36 – 15:40
Summing up and open dialogue, student’s reflection and questions. 15:41 – 15:45


  1. Type of venue:

It held in the lecture class room (Room A4.41 in Peninsula Campus).




  1. Availability of teaching resource:

Overhead projector to show some my semantic mapping plan for this lecture ( ) to make the teaching more simplicity,  We will use the whiteboard if possible, because we can surmise some point there

  1. Health and safety aspect:

The classroom environment plays a crucial role in keeping students engaged and allowing them to be effective in the classroom. The teacher can modify the environment to achieve these results outcomes. Even adjusting the lighting or the temperature of the room can increase the effectiveness of instruction in the classroom. Without giving attention to the environment of a classroom the teacher is setting their students up to be less effective.

The classroom contains around 60 seats with side table, with adjusting the lighting to appropriate to form a suitable learning environment, and make sure the ventilation suitable for the student. Also, there is one entryway in the classroom and we have to consider the evacuation process into consideration for any emergency case, the movement between seats easy to be out of the room.

  1. Equality of opportunity:

Equity, concepts should be translated into specific actions of educative interventions. During teaching have promoted learning strategies for all equally and that will give a positive significant effect and contribute to the successful achievement for all students in equal manner. In order to apply the equity in my classroom session I have to consider the individual differences in the classroom, I will give a chance for any student want share his opinion in discussion sections to discuss the case study that would lead to giving the kind of competition in the active learning process.



Quinn, F. & Hughes, S. (2007).Quinn’s principles and practice of nursing education (5thed). Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.

This is my presentation (semantic mapping plan).


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