Parent Interview

The purpose of this assignment is to interview a culturally diverse parent in order to gather
information about their family, culture and traditions.
Your role is a teacher of preschool age children interviewing the parent. You can tell your
parent this is a class assignment.
Part A ~
 Use the “Getting to Know Your Students” questionnaire to interview the parent.
 You will need to write down their answers; there isn’t much space on the form for them
to write.
 You will duplicate the questions and their answers and submit the interview as a
separate document. Don’t forget to follow Course Writing Guidelines.
 Filename should include Part A along with your last name (SmithPartA).
 Try to get complete answers; you may need to encourage the parent to provide more
details so you will have enough information to complete Part B of this assignment.
Part B ~
When you do this part you must use the information you received from the parent interview,
your responses should be specific and they must relate to the interview.
You will create a culturally sensitive environment for the child/family in your classroom based
on the information you gathered from the interview.
You will provide culturally diverse activities for children based on the information you gathered
from the interview.
This assignment focuses on cultural diversity; be sure you are addressing the culture of the child
in the family you interviewed.
Once you have completed the interview address the following questions:
1. If this child was in your classroom describe four things you would do in the
environment to reflect the child’s cultural background based on the interview
questionnaire. The things you consider doing should be reflective around the
classroom, not just in one area and be relevant to the cultural of the family
interviewed. Give a complete description so I can visualize your environment. This
question is relative to the classroom environment, NOT activities.
2. Describe four early childhood classroom culturally sensitive activities for children
you can implement based on the child’s family cultural background. The activities
should be in four different areas (learning centers) of the classroom. Activities need
to be age appropriate for preschoolers.
3. Identify some specific things that can be added to your monthly newsletter that will
be relevant to the family interviewed and will make them feel welcomed?
 Don’t lose focus of the interview; think about the questions you asked and the answers
 This assignment addresses content across several chapters, be sure your answers
reflects this knowledge.
 I am looking for detailed information reflective of course content. Answering questions
in one word or one sentence answers will not provide enough information for me to
determine you know how to apply course content to practical situations.
 Type and number each question and then the answer under the question. Do not type
all the questions and then all the answers. Don’t forget to follow Course Writing
 You will submit the answers to Part B as a separate document.
 Filename should include “Part B” along with your last name (SmithPartB).
Remember the following:
 You are submitting two separate documents:
 Parent Interview (Part A)
 Answers to Questions (Part B)
 Do not select a parent to interview who is not willing to answer the questions; this is
your final project.
 Your classroom is for preschool age children.
 You are utilizing content from the course textbook and applying it to a simulated
 Additions to classroom environment should be descriptive enough for me to visualize
what you are adding.
 Suggested activities should be thought out; write clearly and specifically so I will
understand what you are suggesting.
 Suggested activities should be age appropriate for preschool children.
 You should be speaking from the perspective of a teacher of young children.
 Write in complete sentences.
 When duplicating the questionnaire, keep the same order as the form and number each
 Type the parent’s answer below the question.
 Do not omit any questions; each question should be answered. If there isn’t an answer
for a question then write N/A.

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