Management Practices used in organizations today

As you probably know or will learn as the class progresses, some of the management practices used in organizations today are not ideally suited for monitoring and controlling project finances.

The objectives of this individual project are twofold:

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  • First, to investigate management practices used by your organization and to identify issues that may detract from the organization’s ability to optimally monitor and control project finances.
  • Second, to propose changes to these management practices to help resolve these issues and explain how these proposed changes will optimize project financial monitoring and control efforts.

You will develop a Project Financial Monitoring and Control proposaldocumenting these efforts, making use of: (1) this course and past project management and financial management coursework;(2) your own professional experience;(3) knowledge and experience resident in yourorganization; and (4) additional research. The majority of the coursework pertaining to this assignment will be covered in sessions 1 through 5. This assignment is due in session 10.

A template for the proposal will not be provided. If it hasn’t happened already, you should expect, at some point in your career, to develop a white paper, a proposal, or some other type of document with only a final objective or two for guidance. You are free to organize the proposal as you see fit as long as the following particulars are included: (1) a statement describing the organization type (e.g., state, local, or federal government, etc.);(2) a discussion of the organization’s business line(s); (3) and a discussion of the organization’s strategic objectives

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