Learning Based Assignment- Leavers in Bali

Title Page

Introduction 200

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Group Learning Objectives 100-150

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Group Process 100-150

Introduction to Leavers in Bali and Main Issues 650

1) History and description of what Leavers is:

  • Leavers has been known to have started since the late 1970’s on the Eastern side of Australia on the Gold Coast, in Queensland (Quek et al., 2012).
  • Over the many years leavers/schoolies celebrated, it has been celebrated at various locations which may include Bali and Fiji (Quek et al., 2012).
  • Large increase in destinations during the years following its introduction in late 1970’s, one of more popular destinations being Bali (Howat, Jancey&Binns, 2013).
  • Leavers, also termed as ‘schoolies’ is an event that is well known among many students who have completed final exams and have a ‘right’ to celebrate the occasion among many others in the same scenario as themselves (Pettigrew et al., 2015).
  • Has been deemed as a ‘rite of passage’ as teens start to deem themselves as grown individuals as they reach the legal age of drinking (Pettigrew et al., 2015).
  • Many issues faced and associated with leavers/schoolies and may include binge drinking, unsafe sex, violence and illicit drug use (Howat, Jancey&Binns, 2013).
  • Binge drinking one of the leading factors in large percentage of students as not all students reach the legal age of drinking alcohol, ample studies also suggest that levels that exceed standard drinking levels are highly evident in students 14-19 years old (Howat, Jancey&Binns, 2013).
  • Evidence reports that up to more than half of all year 12 students attend a particular school leavers’ celebration (Lam, Liang, Chikritzhs&Allsop, 2013).
  • A term deemed the ‘holiday effect’ looks upon the basis that students or individuals for that matter, take behaviour to another level and engage in dangerous activities one would not consider much when at an event such as leavers’ compared to being at home or in a school environment (Lam, Liang, Chikritzhs&Allsop, 2013).


  • Main issues- overdose, vulnerability, binge drinking, injury, no travel insurance, no family or support network, violence and reckless behaviour, less control of self, setting, others, unprotected sex and assault, no standard drink regulations, access to drinks is vast, drink spiking, death, methanol poisoning, drink driving, magic mushrooms, purity of drugs unknown, possible drowning
  • New developments with Leavers going overseas- cheaper, easier to access drugs and alcohol underage, less rules, advertising, feeling of independence, chance to experiment, tighter surveillance in Australia, less policing in Bali
  • Why it has the potential to cause drug problems- easy access, no law, cost, party attitude and atmosphere, rite of passage, setting and environment conducive, free drinks for females for example, events, happy hour, don’t check ID, immature and vulnerability, no adult authority

Strategies to address main issues 650

  • Understanding and appreciation of the different perspectives that different stakeholder groups have- health policy, students, government, schools, parents, travel agencies, health professionals, accommodation services
  • The range of potential strategies that could be put in place to make this safer
  • Red frog program, minimal programs that focuses on Bali,
  • Education on leavers in Bali specifically- Before they go, in school setting
  • Build relationship with hotels and implement policy or regulation, guest only party

Conclusion 200


Howat, P., Jancey, J., &Binns, C. (2013). Are there more positive alternative celebration opportunities to Schoolies Week?.Health Promotion Journal Of Australia, 24(3), 161.

Lam, T., Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., &Allsop, S. (2013). Alcohol and other drug use at school leavers’ celebrations. Journal Of Public Health, 36(3), 408-416.

Pettigrew, S., Biagioni, N., Daube, M., Jones, S., Chikritzhs, T., & Kirby, G. (2015). Understanding and addressing the Schoolies phenomenon. Australian And New Zealand Journal Of Public Health, 39(2), 135-140.

Quek, L., White, A., Low, C., Brown, J., Dalton, N., Dow, D., & Connor, J. (2012). Good choices, great future: An applied theatre prevention program to reduce alcohol-related risky behaviours during Schoolies. Drug And Alcohol Review, 31(7), 897-902.


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