Exploring CEO Leadership Styles in Change Management forNonprofit Organizations
Problem Statement
The general problem is that some CEO leadership styles can undermine a change management initiative. A non-profit organization may have excellent strategies, sufficient capital resources, but lack good leadership that will directly affect change management in order to achieve its overall goals and objectives (Ziman, 2000). The situation is worse in circumstances where change is needed (Hinrichs, 2015). In fact, change process in many nonprofit organizations has resulted to crises due to resistance from some stakeholders who may not be willing to leave their comfort zones (Hess & Bacigalupo, 2013). The specific problem is that communication in the CEO’s leadership styles can affect change management in a non-profit organization.Many organizations have not succeeded in the past in their efforts to introduce new plans, programs or systems due to lack of effective communication among all the primary stakeholders involved in the implementation process (Ziman, 2000). They fail to uphold two-way communication between employees and the management Osula & Ng, 2014). This study will focus on this problem, specifically in the non-profit organizations.
The purpose of this qualitative case study is to explore how communication in the CEO’s leadership styles can affect change management in a non-profit organization.These effects will be expected in areas like cooperation with other primary stakeholders, ability to address challenges in change process, the outcomes of the process, and the implementation……….
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