Law in public health

Required textbook reading:
Problems in Health Care Law: Challenges for the 21st Century (10th edition, 2014) by John E. Steiner (Jones & Bartlett Learning, publisher). (You can buy the text anywhere you want, but when buying this text new or used, (or, if offered, online), please ensure that you have the correct year/edition.

Chapters 1, 2, & 3—Introduction to the American Legal System, Organization of the Healthcare Delivery System, Regulation of Healthcare Facilities, Equipment, Devices, and Drugs
* after reading the chapters answers the following questions:
1.What are some of the reasons that legal advisers cannot give precise answers?
3. What are the primary sources of law?
4. How do the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution restrict the scope of permissible laws?
11. Discuss the extent to which precedent binds other courts.
12. When do private parties have a binding contract? What is necessary to create a contract? What types of contracts are unenforceable?
1. What are the six types of organizations, and what are their major differences?
2. How do government organizations differ from other organizations?
4. What rights do shareholders have in for-profit corporations?
6. What is the source of corporate authority, and what happens when a corporation acts outside that authority?
10. What are the duties of the CEOs and what is the source of their authority? When can CEOS be held personally liable?

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