Open Ended:
- How would you describe your experience with the EOC process?
- What can you tell me about the EOCs effectiveness?
- What can you tell me about the EOCs effectiveness?
- How would you describe the issue of inconsistent EOC grades?
- What is your opinion of the EOCs?
- In what ways do you think the process could be improved, if any?
- What reaction or feedback did you get from students after they took the EOC?
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Write My Essay For Me- Do you feel the EOCs accurately convey a student’s knowledge of the course material?
- Did you receive any complaints from students about the EOC?
- Overall was your student’s EOC grades in line with your expectations?
Since it is a semi-structured probing questions will be used along the way such as “You mentioned ________, can you tell me more about this” and “You talked about ___________ , describe that experience in as much detail as possible” or “Can you elaborate on the point you just made”?
Interviews and data. The interviews would be one-on-one and semi-structured. The semi-structured interviews will allow the researcher to probe the participant for more detailed information as the interview progresses. The data would be collected using a video recorder. The recording would be transcribed at a later time so that no information is missed on what the interviewee said and did (non-verbal cues). The recordings and transcriptions would be stored on a secure server and used for the interview analysis. NVIVO software will be used for the analysis to assist with finding the themes among the interviewee answers.
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