Identify & Evaluate Marketing Opportunities

This assessment requires you to identify two (2) marketing opportunities for the brand and organization you chose for Assessment 1.  The opportunities must be presented in a written report.

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Report structure is below:

  • Vision & mission of the chosen company
  • Detail products offered by the organization
  • Category analysis
    1. Category Size and Growth
    2. Competitive analysis
  • Macro and Micro Environmental analysis
    1. PEST
    2. SWOT
  • Identify key Consumer trends that will provide for new product opportunities to two consumer segments.
  • List 2 marketing opportunities


Vision and Mission Statement–

Levels of Achievement:

Not attempted or not clear. Identification and meeting of assessment requirements 0 (0%) – .5 (1%)

Limited identification and meeting of assessment requirements .5 (1%) – 1 (2%)

Adequate identification and meeting of assessment requirements 1 (2%) – 1.5 (3%)

Detailed identification and meeting of assessment requirements 1.5 (3%) – 2 (4%)

Extensive and comprehensive identification and meeting of assessment requirements 2 (4%) – 2.5 (5%)

Products offered–

Levels of Achievement:

Not attempted or not clear. Identification and meeting of assessment requirements 0 (0%) – 1 (2%)

Limited identification and meeting of assessment requirements 1.5 (3%) – 2 (4%)

Adequate identification and meeting of assessment requirements 2.5 (5%) – 3 (6%)

Detailed identification and meeting of assessment requirements 3.5 (7%) – 4 (8%)

Extensive and comprehensive identification and meeting of assessment requirements 4.5 (9%) – 5 (10%)

Category Analysis–

Levels of Achievement:

Not attempted or not clear. Identification and meeting of assessment requirements 0 (0%) – 2 (4%)

Limited identification and meeting of assessment requirements 3 (6%) – 4 (8%)

Adequate identification and meeting of assessment requirements 5 (10%) – 6 (12%)

Detailed identification and meeting of assessment requirements 7 (14%) – 8 (16%)

Extensive and comprehensive identification and meeting of assessment requirements 9 (18%) – 10 (20%)

Environmental Analysis–

Levels of Achievement:

Not attempted or not clear. Identification and meeting of assessment requirements 0 (0%) – 2 (4%)

Limited identification and meeting of assessment requirements 3 (6%) – 4 (8%)

Adequate identification and meeting of assessment requirements 5 (10%) – 6 (12%)

Detailed identification and meeting of assessment requirements 7 (14%) – 8 (16%)

Extensive and comprehensive identification and meeting of assessment requirements 9 (18%) – 10 (20%)

Key Consumer Trends–

Levels of Achievement:

Not attempted or not clear. Identification and meeting of assessment requirements 0 (0%) – 2 (4%)

Limited identification and meeting of assessment requirements 3 (6%) – 4 (8%)

Adequate identification and meeting of assessment requirements 5 (10%) – 6 (12%)

Detailed identification and meeting of assessment requirements 7 (14%) – 8 (16%)

Extensive and comprehensive identification and meeting of assessment requirements 9 (18%) – 10 (20%)

Marketing Opportunities–

Levels of Achievement:

Not attempted or not clear. Identification and meeting of assessment requirements 0 (0%) – 2 (4%)

Limited identification and meeting of assessment requirements 3 (6%) – 4 (8%)

Adequate identification and meeting of assessment requirements 5 (10%) – 6 (12%)

Detailed identification and meeting of assessment requirements 7 (14%) – 8 (16%)

Extensive and comprehensive identification and meeting of assessment requirements 9 (18%) – 10 (20%)

Report Format–

Levels of Achievement:

Not attempted or not clear. Identification and meeting of assessment requirements 0 (0%) – .5 (1%)

Limited identification and meeting of assessment requirements .5 (1%) – 1 (2%)

Adequate identification and meeting of assessment requirements 1 (2%) – 1.5 (3%)

Detailed identification and meeting of assessment requirements 1.5 (3%) – 2 (4%)

Extensive and comprehensive identification and meeting of assessment requirements 2 (4%) – 2.5 (5%)



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