Exports by definition, according to the Merriam Webster’s Dictionary

Exports by definition, according to the Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, is a product that is sent to another country to be sold (Merriam-Webster). The goods that are exported can be anything from clothing and accessories to food and drink items. It is a great feat for the United States to have beaten previous records for the exportation of goods. There have not been an excess of goods made in America, and the 2014 exports of $2.34 trillion worth of goods is invaluable for the government. All of the exports from the U.S. were equal to Brazil’s gross Domestic Product. It also was much larger than the output in India as well as Italy and Mexico. Exports are measured in the gross domestic product count because they are produced in America (Macroeconomics). Goods that are made outside of the United States are not counted in the GDP because they were not produced in the U.S. An industry that has grown in its exports is the service industry. A reason that there has been growth in the United States exports rates is that the economy has grown. When the economy is growing in a country the exports also grow (The Role of Exports). The growth of exports can also be linked to the decline of the unemployment rate. If there are more jobs with people getting hired there will be a higher sense of moral, and along with the heightened morality there will be more productivity. With good productivity and moral workers produce more products at a faster rate. The Bible talks about trade and trading with other countries as well. In Genesis 34:21 the people were encourage to let people come into their land to live and trade with them (Bible Gateway). Trade is encouraged in the Bible. It can open many doors for God to be shown to those in different cultures.

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