• 3.1 Describe how your final elearning tool differed from your original ideas, and why you made these changes. Changes may include changing which tool you selected, making changes to the tool as you developed it, changing the learning need, or any other changes you made. (CREATE) (200 words)
• The original idea is using moodle as a e learning tool,moodle is complex and not very easy to mange and access by the teachers and students.
• Add blog as e leaning tool,
• Blog is a more direct and easy to manage paltform,,
• Expad the answer
• 3.2 Discuss the pros and cons of the elearning tool you made; what are its best features and why, and what you would do to improve it. (EVALUATE) (200 words)
• Please just write about pros and consof using blog as a e learning tool
• 3.3 Identify and justify appropriate people to evaluate and provide advice on your tool, and describe the kind/subject of the advice you would want. (EVALUATE) (200 words)
• The other part of this aasigments ask other students to evaluate my concept of using blog as a e learning tool,so we need to Identify and justify who is the best people to evaluate and provide advice on using blog as a e learning tool, and describe the advice we want to hear.
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