This statement is the most important factor in being selected for the DBA and replaces a formal interview.

Required length: 600-900 words

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 We recommend that you address these four key areas in your application:-

  1. Why are you applying for this DBA and why you have chosen UOL’s programme specifically?

Tips:Which modules appeal to you and why? Which elements of the programme prompted you to choose it? What do you hope to do after a DBA award is achieved? How will the DBA help your career? What are your future goals?

  1. You need to evidence that you understand the nature of critical action learning (CAL) and the need to engage in projects throughout the programme.

Tips:  Briefly explain what you understand CAL to be. Do you have the scope to use this approach within  your current professional capacity? Do you already use this approach perhaps? How would you do this within your current role and day to day business? What kinds of business challenges would you like to tackle using this approach?


  1. Discuss your passion for research and why you want to study a research-led programme. What areas would you be interested in researching in depth?

Note: You are not expected to have a completed research proposal at this stage, and your research topic may well change as you progress through the DBA coursework. Faculty is interested to see what kinds of research interests (even if tentative) you have in mind and what practical and academic value you think this kind of research could add.

  1. Why do you believe that you will be successful in this programme?

Tips:This is an intensive programme with taught modules lasting 2.5 years and very research focused. Are you up to this challenge? What specific skills, expertise, and experiences can you contribute to the diverse online classroom?

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