Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a valuable design tool which can be utilized to offer a simulated

predication of how complex 3D geometry will perform under certain loading conditions. Design software

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such as Solidworks can make the task relatively simple but the information given to the software and

interpretation of the results requires significant understanding of the application. It is for this reason that a

detailed report should accompany such analysis to convey the rationale for the study.


2.1 The Task

Part A

You are to use Solidworks Simulation Xpress Analysis Wizard to analyse the geometry of the bracket as

detailed in fig 1. Please pay careful attention not only to the geometry of the bracket but also the

installation and loading condition. The loading condition is to be considered as a loose pin or shackle

being pulled. Please note, you may model this geometry from scratch using the drawing or alternatively

use the Solidworks part file downloadable from Sunspace.

You will be awarded marks for Part A as follows:

Appropriate fixtures applied to the model to replicate real life application.  5 marks

Appropriate loads applied to the model to replicate real life application.  5 marks

Application of correct material.       5 marks

A written description to explain the reason for adding the fixtures and loads in the way you did.

15 marks

A written commentary to conclude the results, this should include as a minimum, reporting of the

maximum stress and displacement experienced by the component. Some analysis of the results

with respect to the material yield strength should also be included.  10 marks

Part B

Once the initial analysis is complete, you are to use the results to inform a redesigned bracket and

validate this with FEA. The technical performance of the bracket should be the focus of the re-design and

thus you do not need to worry too much about other factors such as the manufacturability. A suitable

starting target for the re-design should be that you are aiming to reduce the weight of the bracket by 10%

minimum, without increasing the maximum deflection by more than 10%. You should not be constrained

by these targets however, you may find these easy to exceed or you may find them extremely

challenging, the result itself is not such a concern but your documented approach and clear reporting of

the findings are of importance. Optimise the bracket to the best of your ability.

The constraints of the redesign are:

1) All fixing points of the bracket must remain the same, size and position.

2) The load bearing featuremust undergo no modification in terms of size or position.

3) The load itself must be the same size and direction.


The variables you are permitted to change are:

1) The geometry of the bracket.

2) The material of the bracket.

Marks for Part B will be awarded as follows:

Rationale for improvements based on analysis from the initial bracket.  20 marks

EAT216 FEA Assignment 2015-2016  Page 2 of 3

Andy Cook

Documentation to show that comparable testing between the original and redesigned bracket has

occurred.         10 marks

A conclusion which reports the analysis results of the re-designed bracket compares the results

with original. This should include as a minimum, reporting of the maximum stress and

displacement experienced by the component. Some analysis of the results with respect to the

material yield strength should also be included.     20marks

Accurate documentation of the design changes made.    10 marks


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