Commercial Law for Business 2016


The doctrine of judicial precedent is essential to the English common law system. It provides certainty to uphold the rule of law and also flexibility to adapt to social changes.

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Refer to the chapters and sections on judicial precedent in the reading material that is suggested for the first two lectures that take place in weeks 1 and 2. (Moodle)  Use at least 4 sources for this assignment to include 2 of the suggested reading texts. Use the law section in the library to access a range of materials.

Use relevant case law but this does not have to only include the cases highlighted in the lecture slides.

Ensure that you use your own words to avoid plagiarism.  References and bibliographies are not considered in the word count.

Footnotes are accepted but should in themselves not exceed 150 words for the total assignment.

Please present the assignment in essay style rather than a descriptive report style.



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