Australia Economy

The raw data and their source must be included as an appendix to the report.

Data sources include:

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  1. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
  2. Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)
  3. The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  4. World Development Indicators (WDI)

 Question 1 Word Limit: 350 words

 Table 1: GDP Data for Countries A and B

Country A


Country B


Household Consumption 150 150
Government Purchases 250 250
Transfer payments 50 60
Total Gross Fixed Capital Expenditures 50 150
Change in Inventories 50 -50
Exports 40 40
Imports 20 20

Consider the data in table 1 for two countries: A and B.

Discuss the usefulness of these data in deciding which, if any, of these two countries is likely to be experiencing an economic recession.

Question 2 Word Limit: 900 words

Obtain Australia’s real GDP and CPI data from 1980 to 2015. Calculate the annual growth rates of real GDP and inflation and graph both series together. Is/are there some interesting or salient relationship(s) between those two series? Provide and discuss plausible economic explanation(s), including change in economic events and change in government policy, for the relationship(s) you identified.

 Question 3 Word Limit: 900 words

Obtain Australia’s real GDP and unemployment data from 1980 to 2015. Calculate the growth rates of real GDP and unemployment and graph both series together. Is/are there some interesting or salient relationship(s) between those two series? Provide and discuss plausible economic explanation(s), including change in economic events and change in government policy, for the relationship(s) you identified…………………….


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