Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health

This unit has been designed to assist you to develop the skills

required to help manage occupational safety and health risks.  To achieve this outcome we will use the

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structure provided by the International Standard of Risk Management, which is usually known by its

reference number ‘ISO 31000’.  You will develop the skills needed to assess a workplace for occupational

safety and health risks using a variety of tools, formulate priorities and devise practical solutions to enhance

workplace occupational safety and health.

 Acknowledgement of Country 

I would like to pay my respects to the traditional custodians of the land upon which our University campus

stands and their connection with this land.  I acknowledge and offer my respects to the Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander Elders and people for their care of the land through their communities and culture, which we

have the fortune of enjoying.

Learning outcomes

In this unit, you will learn to:

  1. Apply the risk management process to a workplace of your choice;
  2. Design and complete an incident report;
  3. Describe the incident investigation process;
  4. Analyse and effective communicate occupational safety and health data to key stakeholder; and
  5. Critically evaluate risk identification tools.

Graduate attributes

Graduate attributes help to build your capacity to engage in professional practice, and become a lifelong

learner when you graduate.

In this unit you will develop your:

• Ability to communicate

• Ability to work in teams

• Critical appraisal skills

• Ability to generate ideas

Cross-cultural and international outlook

 English language proficiency

To assist our students to graduate with competent levels of English language proficiency, ECU has developed

an ELP Strategy (English Language Proficiency). This strategy focuses on supporting you with development of

your written English skills while studying at ECU, to enhance your professionalism and employability when

you graduate.

The ELP Measure is an assessment of your written English skills, to ensure you receive feedback on your

written English language proficiency at various stages in your course. You will receive feedback on your ELP

HST 2145: Risk Assessment Semester 1, 2016

when you submit an ECU Assignment Cover Sheet with your assessments. Page 2 of this cover sheet has an

ELP marking guide, designed to give you an indication of your skill development.

If you would like assistance with improving your English language skills, please contact a Learning Adviser or

visit Blackboard > Communities > FHES Academic Skills Centre.

Teaching and learning

The teaching and learning approach used in this unit is designed for both online and on campus teaching.

The intention is to ensure that you have a rich and engaging learning experience with either an online or on

campus enrolment.  The unit learning materials incorporate both online and on campus resources to

encourage engagement and independent learning.  For example, students enrolled online will be provided

with recordings of the lectures and on campus students will be provided with the written version of the unit.

Online students are also invited to any of the on campus lectures and tutorials.  All students will have the

opportunity to interact in one online community (i.e. Blackboard).

You should use the suggested readings and other resources to assist you to develop your understanding of

the content.  You will also need to draw upon your own knowledge, opinions and discussions with other


Learning materials for this unit are available on the Blackboard site for this unit, under the Learning Modules

link (written hereafter as Blackboard > Learning Modules).  Each folder contains instructions and resources

to assist you with your studies, including: recorded lectures; links to external websites; suggested readings,

articles and other resources; activities and topics for discussion and collaboration with other students.

The unit is divided into modules, and usually one module is taught per week.  You can progress through the

learning modules at your own pace, but it is important that you use the Study Schedule to assist you with

staying on-track with your learning this semester. To assist you with planning your time, please consider the


  1. This unit will require a study commitment from you of approximately 10 hours per week;
  2. Use the Study Schedule to guide your progress through the learning activities and assessment tasks

this semester;

  1. Check your ECU student email regularly;
  2. Stay in touch with others in the Unit, via Blackboard > Discussion Board;
  3. Plan ‘rigid’ study times in your weekly schedule and consider allocating separate times for reading,

learning activities, assignment research and discussion.

Contacting your lecturer


Your lecturer’s contact details are available on the front page of this document and on Blackboard > Staff

Contacts. Please refer to ‘email protocols and expectations’ to guide your communication with your lecturer.

HST 2145: Risk Assessment Semester 1, 2016

Questions of a personal nature, such as notification of illness, sharing personal learning requirements or

issues, should be emailed to your lecturer, from your ECU student email account. All other questions should

be posted on Blackboard > Discussion Board.

Online discussion

You are encouraged to participate in online discussions regularly (at least once a week), via Blackboard >

Discussion Board.  Networking with your fellow students, asking questions to clarifying understanding,

responding to questions asked by others, debating different perspectives and sharing articles or other

information you discover throughout your studies, is an integral part of the learning process.

Tutorials using ‘Adobe Connect’

This unit has ‘live’ tutorial sessions where you can ask questions and discuss your ideas in real-time.  These

sessions will use the ‘Adobe Connect’ system which is freely available to you.  There is a ‘Quick Guide’

available on the ECU intranet by searching “Adobe Connect” or using this link

.  The dates and

times for the sessions are detailed below.  To participate in these tutorials you will need a headset with

microphone, preferably with a USB connection, plus a reliable Internet connection.  We recommend testing

your headphones and microphone before an Adobe Connect session starts, as you may need to adjust some

settings on your computer.  I

Email protocol 

At ECU we only communicate with you via your ECU student email account. Please make sure you check this

email account regularly (i.e. at least once a week) or consider forwarding your student emails to an account

you access regularly. If you wish to email your Lecturer, you must use your ECU student email account, as

anti-spam filters may prevent emails from other accounts being delivered to your lecturer.

Please ensure your message contains the following:

  1. A subject that contains the unit code, and identifies the nature of your query or request.
  2. Any previous messages, if your email is part of an ongoing email exchange.
  3. Address your lecturer professionally, by name and title.
  4. Use concise and polite language.
  5. Insert a signature at the end of your email that contains:
  6. your name in full as it appears in SIMO;
  7. your student number;
  8. the campus you attend, or indicate if you are an off-campus student.

While lecturers cannot be available online all day, in normal circumstance your lecturer will reply within two

working days.

HST 2145: Risk Assessment Semester 1, 2016

Communication expectations

Please ensure your communications follow these guidelines:

• Be polite and respectful to others;

• Use correct spelling and grammar;

• Do not write using capital letters (this can be interpreted as SHOUTING);

• Avoid exotic fonts or colours;

• Be concise;

• Support independent ideas and different perspectives;

• Avoid responding when you are feeling angry;

• Be careful not to disclose personal contact details in class discussion forums; and

• Create some discussion and respond to others.

There is no mandatory text book for this unit.

Suggested readings   


Resources will be available within each learning module on Blackboard > Learning Modules. In addition, the

ECU library holds a large range of books and journals on this subject.  You may wish to view the

ECU Library’s

OSH Subject Guide for additional library materials available to assist you with your studies.

Archer, R., Borthwick, K., Travers, M., & Ruschena, L. (2012). WHS: A Management Guide. (3rd Edn.) South

Melbourne: Cengage Learning Australia.

Safe Work Australia. (2012). Compendium of Workers; Compensation Statistics, Australia 2009-10. Canberra:

Safe Work Australia.

Safe Work Australia. (2012). The Cost of Work-Related Injury and Illness for Australian Employers, Workers

and the Community 2008-2009. Canberra: Safe Work Australia.

Safe Work Australia. (2011). Code of Practice: How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks. Canberra: Safe

Work Australia.

Safe Work Australia. (2011). Code of Practice: Work Health and Safety Consultation, Co-operation and Co-

ordination. Canberra: Safe Work Australia.

Standards Australia. (2009). AS/NZS ISO 31000: 2009 Risk Management-Principles and Guidelines. Retrieved

from via Edith Cowan University library website.

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