Health and Illness

In this assignment you will select a specific health related issue in the life span of an individual, which may present a challenge to their wellbeing. Discuss the impact this may have on the individual, the family and society at large. Take into consideration reference to gender, cultural diversity, socio-economic status, cognitive, developmental and psycho-educational aspects. Identify in detail how as a professional nurse you would support the individual, the family or carer living with the person. You need to be aware of Professional Responsibilities as described by the NMC Code (2015), eg; duty of care consent confidentiality etc and how you would apply them on your chosen topic.

  • Briefly describe the chosen condition and its background/causes and the impact of the condition on the individual and their family/carers.
  • What is the statistic between men and women
  • Address the determinants that impact on the condition (for example ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status).
  • You should demonstrate the importance of anti-discriminatory practice, the need to value equality and diversity across populations.
  • You should take into account the involvement of the multi-professional-team contribution to holistic care.
  • Think about health education on how to promote the chosen, condition and why you think it important.
  • Also take into consideration Ritchie 2009 planning (assess, plan, implement and evaluate).
  • Also take into consideration the nursing model of Roper, Logan and Tierney

Learning Outcomes

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The assignment should cover the following:

  • 1. Discuss the changing concepts of health, illness and disease.
  • 2. Identify changing needs of the individual across the life span (cognitive, developmental, behavioral, and psycho-educational)
  • 3. Recognize professional responsibilities according to the NMC Code (2015)

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