Family involvement /input and participation

Families are seen as the main source of information and we value their feedback on an ongoing basis through communication with educators, learning webs, emails and the family voice book.

A family voice book is located in each room and is provided as an opportunity for families to attach photos of any special or interesting experiences The family voice can also be used to write about any ideas, activities or experiences that your child has been interested in at home. These ideas can then be incorporated into our program e.g. animals, colours, cars, water play etc.

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Family participation is encouraged through a family web which is completed upon enrolment as well as through the family voice book located in each room. Families are encouraged to record children’s interests at home and conveyed to carers to aid in the development of interest areas.

Journals are stored in the room and educators are encouraged to show parents the journals and speak to them about the activities and their children’s progress.

Learning Webs –Are used to link the planning cycle and display the learning that the children and will be participating in.  

Critical Refection -involves educators, whatever their background or setting, closely examining their ethics, philosophy and decision-making processes. Critical Refection helps us become increasingly thoughtful about our work, look deeper and explore new ideas and approaches with the aim to develop new insights into what we do and why we do it.

 Summative Assessment – Is used as a part of our reflective practice. Summative assessment describes our assessment process that “sums up” what children have learnt by reviewing documentation gathered over time from a range of sources. The idea is to bring together information about what the child knows, understands and can do. Summative assessment differs from evaluating and Assessing the Learning that occurs in individual learning stories.

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